Unclaimed Mystery Labs: Radio, Voiceover, and Podcast

Unclaimedmysteriesradio.com is now live!

1970s FM underground radio style. Eclectic local and other underappreciated music. Experimental sounds, noisy and otherwise. Discussions about Huntsville and Alabama arts, culture, politics. Radio theater, comedy. Practice? PRACTICE? throughout fall and winter 2022-2023. Local, worldwide, and Parts Unknown contributors welcome. Show ideas? unclaimedmysteriesradio@gmail.com.

Slightly unsettling “Huntsville My Hometown” PAMS jingle from 1961.

Oh this ID is NORMAL. Pretty standard, really.

Very unsettling station ID (00:32).

House Call house show promo (00:35).

Bonkers even by our standards (00:60).

Station ID. Another one.  

Unclaimed Mysteries discussions on Facebook.

Unclaimed Mysteries Radio from Live365.com.


On-air announcing, commercial voiceovers, explainers, podcasts, long-form narration, animation, video games. Adept with scientific and technical language. Professional, respects direction. Copywriting experience. Gear: Shure SM7b mic, Sennheiser ME80 mic, Focusrite Vocaster Two.

Demo Reels

Unclaimed Mysteries on Podbean.

Freeform audio drawing from talent from Huntsville’s Crash Boom Bang Theatre, WEGL alumni, and just maybe YOU, our first podcasts are going to be a little ragged. But I have supreme confidence in the Chaotic Angels of our nature.

  • 2020/12/01: The primitive origins of Unclaimed Mysteries revealed in a violent mashup from 1979-1985ish.
  • 2020/07/01: Content so fresh it does not yet exist.